Bike Repair Stands

St. Albert Bike Association is excited to partner with the City of St. Albert to bring you these bicycle repair stands!  On each stand you’ll find the following tools:

  1. Philips Screwdriver
  2. Stubby Philips Screwdriver
  3. Flathead Screwdriver
  4. Stubby Flathead Screwdriver
  5. Tire Lever (2)
  6. Adjustable Wrench
  7. Multi-Torx Tool
  8. Multi-Hex Tool (Metric)

These tools should allow you to tighten, adjust, or fix many common issues you might have with your bicycle while out and about.

Please note – use these tools at your own discretion.  The St. Albert Bike Association and the City of St. Albert are not responsible for any damage or injury that may occur from the misuse of these tools.